Ryan Orrison

Ryan Orrison
Title: DPT Program: Foundation Science CoordinatorAssociate Professor
Office Location: PT 153
E-mail: ryanorrison@v-lanterna.com
Phone: (269) 471-2865
Associate Professor of Physical Therapy (2014)
BS Andrews University
MSPT Andrews University
Orthopaedic Certified Specialist (OCS)
PhD, Northern Illinois University
Dr. Orrison is an Associate Professor and serves as the Foundation Science and Student
Success Coordinator in the School of Rehabilitation Sciences. He received a Bachelor of
Science in Anatomy and Physiology (1996), a Masters of Science in Physical Therapy
from Andrews University (1997), and a Doctor of Philosophy in Health Science from
Northern Illinois University (2024).
Before becoming a full-time faculty member, he worked in various clinical settings,
including outpatient, acute care, home health, and owning and operating Tri-City
Physical Therapy. In 2008, he became a Board-Certified Specialist in Orthopedic
Physical Therapy and was recertified in 2018.
Current Research or Professional Activities
Current research interests include using feedback and formative assessment to develop academic and clinical reasoning selfefficacy. Ryan is a Member of the APTA Orthopedic, Education, and Cardiopulmonary sections and is a member of the anatomy educators special interest group.