SELECTED PUBLICATIONS (peer reviewed journals or books)
Dr. Padma Uppala, PhD, MPH:
Tadi PP, Teel RW, and Lau BHS. “Anticandidal and anticarcinogenic potentials of Garlic.” International Clinical Nutrition Review, Vol. 10, 1990, 423-429.
Lau BHS, Tadi PP, and Tosk JM. “Allium sativum (garlic) and cancer prevention.” Nutrition Research, Vol. 10, 1990, 937-948.
Tadi PP, Teel RW and Lau BHS. “Organosulfur compounds of garlic modulate mutagenesis, metabolism and DNA binding of aflatoxin B1.” Nutrition and Cancer, Vol. 15, 1991, 87-95.
Tadi PP, Teel RW, and Lau BHs. “AFP1 binding to DNA inhibited by ajoene and diallyl sulfide.” Anticancer Research, Vol. 11. 1991, 2037-2042.
Lau BHS, Tadi PP, Teel RW. “Organosulfur compounds of garlic as dietary anticarcinogens.” Journal of the American College of Nutrition, Vol.10, 1991, 546
Wong BYY, Lau BHS, Tadi PP, and Teel RW. “Chinese medicinal Herb’s inhibit aflatoxin B1 and Benzo[1]pyrene induced mutagenesis.” Mutation Research, Vol. 279, 1992, 209-216.
Balakrishna S, Hasegawa L, Rupa DS, Tadi-Uppala P, Eastmond DA. Detection of hyperdiploidy in bladder epithelial cells of rats treated with ortho-phenylphenol using fluorescence in situ hybridization. Environ Mol Mutagen 1999; 33:13
S. Balakrishnan, Tadi-Uppala PP, Hasegawa L, Rupa DS and Eastmond DA. “Detection of micronuclei, cell proliferation and hyperdiploidy in bladder epithelial cells of rats treated with o-phenylphenol .” Mutagenesis, Vol. 17 (1), 2002 89-91.
T. Dissmore, PT Uppala, BHS Lau, AR Buzzard, T. Andacht, H. Kim, and S Rajaram. “2D Difference gel analysis of protein expression on the anti-proliferative effect of lycopene on breast cancer cells”. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, Vol 104:51, Supplement, August 2004.
Padma T. Uppala, Shambhu K. Roy, Albert Tousson, Stephen Barnes, Gurunatha R. Uppala and David A. Eastmond. “Induction of Cell Proliferation and Hyperdiploidy/Polyploidy in the Mammary Cells of DDT- and DMBA-Treated Pubertal Rats. Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis, Vol. 46 43-52, 2005
Michelle A. Hoag, Corwin Porter, Padma P. Uppala and David Dyjack. A Risk-based Food Inspection Program. Journal of Environmental Health, 2006
AS Fillmore, P Tadi-Uppala and L Beeson, (2008) A case-control proteomic breast cancer study in Black women. Journal of Investigative Medicine 56(1):44–102
John W. Morgan, Christine Guenzi, Myung Mi Cho, Christian Jackson, Sharon L. Lum, Zuhair Natto and Padma Uppala (2010) Delayed stage colorectal adenocarcinoma diagnosis: Are we neglecting critical demographic information? Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention: October 010; Volume19, Issue10,Supplement,doi:10.1158/1055-9965.DISP-10-A47
Abstracts: AACR International Conference on the Science of Cancer Health Disparities-- Sep 30-Oct 3, 2010; Miami, FL
Padma P. Tadi Uppala (2010), American Association for Cancer Research. "Factors contributing to health disparities among minority women: Unique breast cancer experience in the Inland Empire, CA." [Abstract]. In: Proceedings of the 105th Annual Meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research; 2010 Apr 18; AACR; 2010.
Tadi Uppala, P., Patterson, L et. al. (2011). Mysterious Periodic table of Chemistry testifies to a literal six-day creation of the earth. Evidence of Modern Science in the Bible. Pages. 13-22, Wake Up India, Bangalore, India
Padma Uppala (2012) Role of insulin-like growth factor binding protein acid labile complex in ER-PR-Her2+ breast cancer in African American women. Epidemiology, Lifestyle, and Genetics - Obesity, Metabolism, and Cancer: Poster Presentations - Proffered Abstracts: Abstract A58: Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev October 2012 21:10 Supplement A58; doi:10.1158/1055-9965.DISP12-A58
Padma Uppala., (2012). 4. Yuan, Sharon S Lum, John W. Morgan, Carlos Garberoglio Accrual of under-represented minority women to breast cancer clinical trials in Inland Empire, California. Journal of Clinical Oncology 01/2012; 30(27).
Padma P.T Uppala Health effects of environmental DDT exposure: An epidemiological and serum proteomic study. Journal of Community Medicine & Health Education. 01/2012; 2
Uppala PT, Dissmore T, Benjamin Lau BH, Andacht T, Rajaram S. (2013) Selective inhibition of cell proliferation by lycopene in MCF-7 breast cancer cells in Vitro: a proteomic analysis. Phytotherapy Research (4): 595-601
Padma Pauline Tadi Uppala; Lostine Herndon; Hildemar Dos Santos; Amanda Dupre; Persila
Mohammadnia; Maheshwari Senthil. (2013). Community-based participatory research leads to sustainable lifestyle intervention program for reducing breast cancer risk among African American and Latina women. [abstract]. In: Proceedings of the 105th Annual Meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research; 2014 Apr 5-9; San Diego, California (CA): AACR; 2014.
Padma P. Tadi Uppala, Sherine Brown-Fraser, Liezel Bibit, Sozina Katuli, and Dixon Anjejo. (2018). The role of spirituality in managing mental health. FOCUS The Andrews University Magazine. Annual Report 55:1 p 14 -15
Padma P. Tadi Uppala, Ph.D., MPH, Laurel Berman, Ph.D., MS, Motria Caudill, Ph.D., MS, MPH, Desmond Murray, Ph.D., and Jean Cadet, MD, MDIV, MPH. The Environmental Health Landscape of Berrien County, Michigan: A Multi-media Analysis. Berrien County Health Department (2019), 50-page document, in review EPA & ATSDR
Elmer Ccopa Rivers, Jonathan Swerdlow, Rodney Summerscales, Padma P. Tadi Uppala, Rubens Maciel Filho, Mabio Neto, Hyun Kwon * (2020). Data-driven modeling of smartphone-based electrochemiluminescence sensor data using artificial intelligence. Biosensors Received: 19 December 2019
Hyun J Kwon, Elmer Ccopa Rivera, Mabio R.C. Neto, Daniel Marsh, Jonathan J. Swerdlow, Rodney L. Summerscales, Padma P. Tadi Uppala. (2020). Development of smartphone based ECL sensor for dopamine detection: Practical approaches Results in Chemistry
Elmer Ccopa Rivera, Dr. Rodney L. Summerscales, Dr. Padma P. Tadi Uppala, Dr. Hyun J. Kwon (2020). Electrochemiluminescence Mechanisms Investigated with Smartphone‐Based Sensor Data Modeling, Parameter Estimation and Sensitivity Analysis. Chemistry Open, 9(8): 854-863
Dr. Maximino Mejia, DrPH:
Soret S, Mejia A, Batech M, Jaceldo-Siegl K, Harwatt H, Sabaté J. Climate change mitigation and health effects of varied dietary patterns in real-life settings throughout North America. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 2014 Jun 4;100 (Supplement 1): 490S-495S.
Perez-Escamilla R., Song D., Taylor CA, Mejia A., Melgar-Quinonez H., Anders R., Balcazar H., Segura-Perez S., Duarte M., Ibarra J. Place of residence modifies the association between acculturation and dietary tools knowledge among Latina WIC participants: a multi-state study.
Journal of immigrant and minority health / Center for Minority Public Health 2011;13(2):299-308. doi: 10.1007/s10903-010-9360-6.
Rajaram S, Haddad EH, Mejia A, Sabate J. Walnuts and fatty fish influence different serum lipid fractions in normal to mildly hypercholesterolemic individuals: a randomized controlled study. Am J Clin Nutr 2009:89:1657S-1663S.
Hubbard R, Mejía A, and Horning MC. Diet to alter disease process. Nutr Res. Dec 1994.
Hunt IF, Murphy NJ, Martner-Hewes P, Faraji B, Swenseid ME, Sanchez A, and Mejía A. Zinc, vitamin B-6, and other nutrients in pregnant women attending prenatal clinics in Mexico. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 46:563-569, 1987.
Dr. Sherine Brown-Fraser:
Forrester I, Mayaka P, Brown-Fraser S, Dawkins N, Rowel R, Sitther V. Earthquake Disaster Resilience: A Framework for Sustainable Gardening in Haiti’s Vulnerable Population. Journal of Hunger & Environmental Nutrition. 2016:12:136-149
Brown-Fraser S, Forrester I, Rowel R, Richardson A, Spence A, Taylor P, Development of an Urban Community Organic Vegetable Garden in Baltimore, Maryland: A Student Service Learning Model, J. of Hunger and Environmental Nutrition. 2015:10:202-229.
Brown S, Hossain M, Bronner Y. African American Male and Female Student Perceptions of Pulvers Body Images: Implications for Obesity, Health Care, and Prevention, Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved. Volume 25, (3), Aug 2014, pp. 1328-1340
Brown, S., Hossain, M., Forrester, I. Associations between cholesterol, colon cancer screening, behavior, and diet. Associations between cholesterol, colon cancer screening, behavior, and diet. Am J Health Behav. 2013;37(3):360-368
Brown S, Ordovas J, Campos H. Interaction between the APOC3 gene promoter polymorphisms, saturated fat intake and plasma lipoproteins. Atherosclerosis. 2003 Oct; 170(2): 307-13.
Ivis Forrester, PhD, RD., Sherine Brown, PhD, Lily Lindsay, DHSc. Island Delectable Delights: Roots, Fruits, Veggies and Soups. Published by AuthorHouse Publishers, Bloomington, IN ISBN: 978-1-4772-5934-4, 978-1-4772-5935-1. (95 pages) Aug. 2012. A unique, fun, and experimental experience with foods in non-traditional ways. Development of recipes, textures, and tastes, with food history along with nutrient value and medical properties of selected "root" foods.
Samuel L. Deshay, MD, Din, MPH, FACSG., Sherine Brown, PhD, Teymi Elise Herring, MPH, RD., Theodore M. Herring, III, MD. Will More Cellular Electricity Lengthen Life? (Based on Food Choices) – The Million Dollar Question. A Billion Dollar Answer. L & D Publishers International, LLC. Washington, DC. 2011. ISBN. 978-0-692-01354-0. (139 pages)
Dr. Dixon Anjejo, DrPH:
Modeste, N., Lee. J., & Anjejo, D. (2004). Factors Associated with Intention to Quit Smoking Among Africa American Pregnant Women. California Journal of Health Promotion. 2, 98-106.
Anjejo, D., Modeste, N., Lee, J., & Colwick, W. (2007). Factors Associated with Sexual Intercourse Practices Among Africa Born Adolescents in Southern California. California Journal of Health Promotion. 5, 97-112.
Anjejo, D. (2007). Factors Associated with AIDS risk behavior of Africa Born Adolescents in Southern California. Health Science Library System. Retrieved on August 5, 2009 from
Miyayo, S. and Anjejo, D. (2014). Men’s Involvement in Family Planning: Factors Associated with Men’s Involvement in Family Planning among Married Men Living in Baraton, Kenya. Lambert Academic Publishing.
Mikingo, C. & Anjejo, D. (2014). Knowledge and Attitude of University Students on HIVand AIDS. Lambert Academic Publishing.
Anjejo, D (2007). Risk Behaviors of African Born Adolescents in United States of America. Lambert Academic Publishing.
Mrs. Gretchen Krivack, RD, MS, CGFI:
Meulemans, S., Pribis, P., Grajales, T., & Krivak, G. (2014). Gender differences in exercise dependence and eating disorders in young adults: A path analysis of a conceptual model. Nutrients, 6(11), 4895-4905.
Ms. Burtnack:
Pribis P, Burtnack CA, McKenzie SO, Thayer J. Trends in body fat, body mass index, and physical fitness among male and female college students. Nutrients. 2010;2(10):1075-1085.
Dr. Mortria Caudill, PhD, MS:
Caudill, M. “ATSDR Health Consultation: Analysis of Outdoor Air Contaminants, Reserve Management Group, Chicago, Illinois.” February 17, 2022.
Caudill, M. “ATSDR Health Consultation: Analysis of Contaminants in Drinking Water and Indoor Air.” Pike and Mulberry Streets PCE Plume. Martinsville, Indiana. April 16, 2020.
Muianga, C.V., Caudill, M. “ATSDR Health Consultation: Outdoor Air Exposures to Crystalline Silica Dust and Particulate Matter in Wedron, IL.” September 27, 2019.
Caudill, M. “ATSDR Letter Health Consultation: Mid-America Steel Drum Soil and Air Analysis.” St. Francis, Wisconsin. May 21, 2019.
Johnson, M., Caudill, M., Hodge, J.M., Chuke, S.O.; “ATSDR Health Consultation: Historical Blood Lead Levels in East Chicago, Indiana Neighborhoods Impacted by Lead Smelters.” East Chicago, Indiana. April 25, 2018.
Mukerjee, S., Smith, L. A., Caudill, M. P., Oliver, K. D., Whipple, W., Whitaker, D. A., & Cousett, T. A. (2018). Application of passive sorbent tube and canister samplers for volatile organic compounds at refinery fenceline locations in Whiting, Indiana. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association, 68(2), 170–175.
Woodall, G. M., Hoover, M. D., Williams, R., Benedict, K., Harper, M., Soo, J. C., Jarabek, A. M., Stewart, M. J., Brown, J. S., Hulla, J. E., Caudill, M., … Thompson, B. (2017). Interpreting Mobile and Handheld Air Sensor Readings in Relation to Air Quality Standards and Health Effect Reference Values: Tackling the Challenges. Atmosphere, 8(10), 182.
Mucha, A. P., Hryhorczuk, D., Serdyuk, A., Nakonechny, J., Zvinchuk, A., Erdal, S., Caudill, M., Scheff, P., Lukyanova, E., Shkiryak-Nyzhnyk, Z., & Chislovska, N. (2006). Urinary 1-hydroxypyrene as a biomarker of PAH exposure in 3-year-old Ukrainian children. Environmental health perspectives, 114(4), 603–609.
Padma Tadi Uppala, PhD, MPH1, Maximino Mejia, DrPH2, Sherine Brown-Fraser, PhD, RD2, Dixon Anjejo, DrPH2, Melody Page, BSPH(c)2 and Michael Uppala, BS(c)2, (1)Andrews University, Berrien Springs, MI; University of Phoenix, AZ; Loma Linda University, Loma Linda, CA, (2)
Andrews University, Berrien Springs, MI. Eliminating Health Disparities: Obesity, metabolic syndrome and breast cancer among African American women in Berrien County, MI. APHA 2018. Abstract #408128.
Padma P. Tadi Uppala, Sozina Katuli1, Alfredo Mejia, Sherine Brown-Fraser, Brian Yuen Yau Wong1, Ryan Hayes, Maheswari Senthil, Carlos Garberoglio. Role of obesity and dietary chemopreventive nutrients on risk for breast cancer among ethnically diverse women. AACR Annual Meeting 2018 in Chicago, Illinois. Abstract Control Number: 6281
Padma P. Tadi Uppala1, Gretchen Krivak1, Sherine Brown-Fraser1, Dixon Anjejo1, Alfredo Mejia1, Dominique wakefield2, Kumar Kolli3. 1Andrews University, Berrien Springs, MI; 2Andrews University, Berrien Springs, MI; 3Windber Research Institute, Windber, PA (2017). Stress, spiritual wellbeing and cancer risk among diverse racial faith-based communities: Elevated levels of stress proteomic biomarkers in breast cancer patients. Andrews Univesity, MI 2017 American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) Annual Meeting Proceedings, Washington DC, 2017.
Colleen Staniszewski*, Michael Krause*, Melody Page*; Evin Liu*, Justis M. Mcneal*, Morgan Winkfield*, Padma P. Tadi Uppala; Sherine Brown- Fraser, Andrews University (2018). Mental health and risk for cancer among Berrien County youth in Michigan: A Systems Analysis.
Proceedings: Michigan Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters. 2018 Conference, Central Michigan University, Mt. Pleasant, Michigan
Padma P. Tadi Uppala, Ph.D., Mary S. Gayen, BS, MBA. Sherine Brown-Fraser, Ph.D., RD, CPT, Alfredo Mejia DrPH, Dixon Anjejo, DrPH (2017). Obesity and breast cancer incidence and mortality among minority women in Berrien County, MI. Proceedings. 2017 Celebration of research: FRG presentations, Andrews University, MI, Andrews University, 8975 US-31, Berrien Springs, MI 49104
Padma P. Tadi Uppala1, Sozina Katuli1, Alfredo Mejia1, Sherine Brown-Fraser1, Brian Yuen Yau Wong1, Ryan Hayes1, Maheswari Senthil2, Carlos Garberoglio2. 1Andrews University, Berrien Springs, MI; 2Loma Linda University, Loma Linda, CA. Role of obesity and dietary chemopreventive nutrients on risk for breast cancer among ethnically diverse women. 2018 American Association for Cancer Research Annual Meeting San Diego, CA, 2018 (Pending)
Mejia A, Daniels J. M, Brown-Fraser S, Uriegas-Mejia G, Uppala P T, Burtnack C, Isaak S. Savings of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Through Dietary Choices Among College Students. VII International Congress of Vegetarian Nutrition. Loma Linda California. 2018
Mejia A, Brown-Fraser S, Uriegas-Mejia G, Coria-Navia A, Carpio-Fonseca R. Is Adventist Lifestyle Effective to Prevent Obesity Among School-Age Children? Poster. Adventist Human-Subjects Researchers Association, Loma Linda University, May 2017.
Mejia, A. Coria-Navia, Uriegas-Mejia G, Brown-Fraser S, Uriegas SE, de Jesus Martinez M, Sanchez A, Acosta M.E., Ramirez AE, Reyes RE, Hernandez YE, Camacho DY, Morrow G. Krivak G, The Victoria Trial: A School-Based Health Education Program to Reduce the Risk of Obesity Among a High-Risk Population, The FASEB Journal 31(1 Supplement) (2017) 641.1. Oral presentation at Andrews University Celebration of Research conference, Berrien Springs, 2016.
Mejia, A. Coria-Navia, Uriegas-Mejia G, Brown-Fraser S, Uriegas SE, de Jesus Martinez M, Sanchez A, Acosta M.E., Ramirez AE, Reyes RE, Hernandez YE, Camacho DY, Morrow G. Krivak G, Development of A Health Education Curriculum to Reduce the Risk of Obesity Among Hispanic School-Age Children, The FASEB Journal 31(1 Supplement) (2017) 641.10.
Krivak G, Woodruff G, Forrest S, Mbungu H, Orcel K, Fish S, Brown-Fraser S. A Mixed-Method Multiple Case Study of Three Business Models for Local Healthy Food Delivery Systems in Underprivileged Urban Areas; Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 2017, Volume 117, Issue 9, A50.
Mbungu H, Brown-Fraser S, Mejia A, Tevni G. Use of the Refractometer to Measure Effects of Preservation Techniques on Degree Brix, An Indicator of Vegetable Quality. Andrews University Honors Scholars & Undergraduate Research Symposium, Spring (Poster) & Fall (Oral) 2016
Mejia A, Coria-Navia A, Uriegas-Mejia G, Brown-Fraser S, Uriegas S, Martinez M, Ramirez A, Reyes R, Hernandez Y, Camacho D, Morrow G, Krivak G, Sánchez A. The Victoria Trial: A School-Based Health Education Program to Reduce the Risk of Obesity Among A High-Risk Population. Oral presentation at Andrews University Celebration of Research conference, Berrien Springs, 2016.
Mejia, M. Jaceldo-Siegl, K, Harwatt, H; Sabate, J; Brown-Fraser, S; Soret, S; Climate Mitigation by Dietary Choices: The Carbon Footprint of Tofu. APHA Annual Convention, Chicago Illinois, November 3, 2015.
Lori Walton, Gretchen Krivak, Magaly Hernandez. Effect of a 8 week, 2 session, nutrition and physical therapy education program on pelvic pain, incontinence, quality of life and nutritional intake for prenatal and postpartum women. Presented at 2015 Section on Women’s Health (SOWH) Platforms at the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) Conference, Indianapolis, IN, 2015.
Brown S, Hossain M, Bronner Y. African American Male and Female Student Perceptions of Pulvers Body Images: Implications for Obesity, Health Care, and Prevention. 2013 American Public Health Association’s (APHA) National Meetings (Boston, Nov 2013).
Brown. S, Hossain. M, Bronner. Y. Validation of Reported Versus Measured Height and Weight among HBCU Freshmen. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, Volume 111, Issue 9, Supplement, September 2011,Page A25
Brown. S, Hossain. M, Bronner. Y. Perception of Body Image as a Tool for Health Education to Help Reduce the Obesity Epidemic among HBCU College Students. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, Volume 111, Issue 9, Supplement, September 2011,Page A25
Brown. S, Hossain. M, Forrester, I. An Association between Cholesterol, Colon Cancer Risk, Behavior and Diet Journal of the American Dietetic Association, Volume 111, Issue 9, Supplement, September 2011,Page A97
Isaak S, McArthur T, Brown-Fraser, S, Grajales, T. Improving Adherence and Helping Patients Overcome Barriers to Diabetes Self-Management Through Innovative Technology-Enabled Coaching. Poster session presented at American Association of Diabetes Educators 2017, Indianapolis, IN, August 4-6, 2017.
Articles by Dr. Winston Craig
Nutrition Concerns and Health Effects of Vegetarian Diets.
Nutrition in Clinical Practice 2010; 25 (6): 613-620
Craig, WJ
Position of the American Dietetic Association: Vegetarian Diets
Journal of the American Dietetic Association 2009; 1266-1282.
Craig, WJ and Mangels, AR.
Health effects of vegan diets.
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2009; 89 (suppl):1627S-33S.
Craig, W
Traditional Kava Beverage Consumption and Liver Function Tests in a Predominantly Tongan Population in Hawaii.
Clinical Toxicology; 45:549-56.
AC Brown, P Holck, P Kaufusi, D Kabassawa, WJ Craig, K Dragull, AM Levin, and JD Baker
“Herbs as Useful Adjuncts to Manage Chronic Diseases”, ch.11
In - Nutritional Health: Strategies for Disease Prevention, 2nd ed. ed. N Temple, T Wilson, DR Jacobs Jr, Humana Press, Totowa, NJ 2006, pg. 189-209.
Craig, WJ
“The Therapeutic Use and Safety of Common Herbal Beverages”, ch. 13
In - Beveragges in Nutrition and Health, eds. Ted Wilson and Norman Temple; Humana Press, Totowa, NJ, 2004, pages 187-201
Craig, WJ
Current Books by Dr. Winston Craig
Optimum Health, 2012
Herbs for your Health, 2nd Edition, 2011
Nutrition and Wellness, 2nd Edition, 2011
Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle, 3rd edition, 2010
Flavonoids, Food and Your Future, 2009